Hannah Lewith

Massage Therapist


Massage & Reflexology

Hannah feels passionately about the grounding effect of Massage & Reflexology and it is this that lead to her retraining, having worked previously as a Lawyer & Debt Counsellor.

She is also extremely interested in how these therapies can assist women at various points in their lives.

Through a variety of soothing & deep tissue techniques, Hannah creates a sense of deep relaxation, enabling individuals to reconnect with their physical selves & feel relief from tension & stress.

Clients can choose to have a singular treatment (Massage or Reflexology) or one that contains elements of both.

Hannah will carry out a short consultation where she will work with you to create a treatment to meet your needs & preferences, using your choice of a selection of aromatherapy blended oils.

natural face-lifting massage

Hannah also offers a Natural Face-lifting Massage using beautiful facial oils from Lewes based Flora & Rose. This is a completely natural & seriously relaxing way to lift the face, rejuvenate the skin & release facial tension.


Wednesdays 2pm - 5:30pm & Thursdays 10-1pm


Massage £60/ 60-minutes - £75/ 75 minutes - £85/ 90 minutes

Reflexology £60/ 60-minutes

Natural Face-Lifting Massage £60/ 60 minutes

Combination treatment (please book Bodywork Massage for this option) £60/60 minutes - £75/ 75 minutes - £85/ 90 minutes

book your appointment HERE