HIIT Trainers
Gyles Abbott
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) comprises regular short, bursts of high-cardio exercise, broken up by brief periods of recovery.
These shorter 45-minute sessions are a great way to add variety to your weekly exercise plan - by sending your body curveballs, you’ll challenge your muscle groups, increase the efficiency of each workout & stimulate your brain function.
HIIT is also the perfect way to complement & improve your Yoga practice - you’ll strengthen your body to cope with the more challenging poses, protect it against injury &, most important of all, you’ll be exercising your most vital muscle... your heart.
They’re great fun, a bit sweaty & will fuel your energy levels for the rest of the day.
Suitable for all levels
There are so many reasons why you should introduce these 45-minute Strength training sessions to your weekly workout routine:
Improve the quality of everyday movements
Improve bone health
Improve balance
Increase energy levels
Helps with fat loss
Increased muscle mass, therefore increased metabolism
Suitable for ALL levels
Gyles Abbott